Tibet Festival

Discover the vibrant culture and rich traditions of Tibet through its myriad festivals, each a unique celebration of spirituality, heritage, and community. From the vibrant hues of the Tibetan New Year (Losar) to the sacred rituals of the Saga Dawa Festival, Tibet’s festivals offer a captivating glimpse into the heart of this mystical land.


Tibetan Festivals & Dates in 2024

Festival Year (2024) Places
Tibetan New Year 10 February Tibet
Monlam Prayer Festival 13 February – 20 February Jokhang Monastery
Butter Lamp Festival 24 February Barkhor Market
Buddha Day 23 May Tibet
Cham in Tshurpu Monastery 10 May Tshurpu Monastery
Saga Dawa Festival 23 May Dzongyab Lukhang (Lhasa) , Tarboche (Kailash)
Cham in Drigung Til Monastery 02 June Drigung Til
Thangka  Unveiling Tashilunpo 20 June – 22 June Shigatse, Tashilimphu Monastery
Ganden Thangka Unveiling 21 July Ganden Monastery
Shoton Festival 04 August Norbulinka
Palden Lhamo Festival 15 December Barkhor Square
Tibetan Light Festival 25 December Tibet

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